A RNG based platformer where  levels are randomized


game.gb 256 kB


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I tried really hard to start the game, but I only managed to move the cursor around on the start screen :(

may be press j to confirm selection

Oh yes! Now it worked. Thanks!


W, A, S, D to move

J to jump (Hold for a longer jump)

How do zou play? I can move the cursor with arrows/wasd, but nothing else...

Z and X or J and K are the action buttons Z for jump X for Run press start to start the game

Cute game! Impressive level generation. I reached an undoable jump in my third zone, so I stopped there. Looking into optimizing player movement, collision detection, and game juice could take this one a far way. Nice work :)


The level design is handmade, but the RNG determins the level to load, i used GBstudios default platformer settings

This game is really good i really like the use of RNG and the nod to classic object shows like BFDI